Introduction to Stock Trading and Economics


Dates: 06/17-06/28 (no class on 06/19)

Time: Choose between an early morning session (8:00 AM to 10:00 AM) or a late morning session (10:30 AM to 12:30 PM)


Location: RUHS (One Sea Hawk Way, Redondo Beach, CA 90277).

Grade Level: 6, 7, 8


Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce middle school students to the world of stock trading and economics. Throughout the course, students will explore basic economic concepts such as supply and demand, inflation, and market competition, as well as learning about stock trading strategies and investment principles. The course will cover the following topics:

  • Students will learn about the basic principles of economics, including supply and demand, market equilibrium, and inflation.
  • Trading strategies: Students will learn about different trading strategies, including value investing, growth investing, and day trading.
  • Investment principles: Students will learn about the importance of diversification, risk management, and portfolio management in making investment decisions.
  • Real-world applications: Students will apply their knowledge of stock trading and economics to real-world scenarios, including current events and historical trends.

Throughout the course, students will engage in a variety of activities, simulations, and group projects. Students will also have the opportunity to research and analyze stocks, learn about different investment opportunities, and practice making informed investment decisions.

By the end of the course, students will have a basic understanding of the stock market, key economic concepts, and investment principles. They will also be better equipped to make informed financial decisions as they progress through their academic and professional careers.

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NOTE: If a student has an IEP or 504 plan, our teachers will do their best to provide access to RBEF programs. However, because the RBEF Summer School is not a federally- or state-funded program, we are under no obligation to implement specific services or accommodations. However, if your student has specific services or accommodations that they may need while enrolled in a RBEF program, please reach out to us at to discuss.
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Grand total


Dates: 06/17-06/28 (no class on 06/19)

Time: Choose between an early morning session (8:00 AM to 10:00 AM) or a late morning session (10:30 AM to 12:30 PM)


Location: RUHS (One Sea Hawk Way, Redondo Beach, CA 90277).

Grade Level: 6, 7, 8


Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce middle school students to the world of stock trading and economics. Throughout the course, students will explore basic economic concepts such as supply and demand, inflation, and market competition, as well as learning about stock trading strategies and investment principles. The course will cover the following topics:

  • Students will learn about the basic principles of economics, including supply and demand, market equilibrium, and inflation.
  • Trading strategies: Students will learn about different trading strategies, including value investing, growth investing, and day trading.
  • Investment principles: Students will learn about the importance of diversification, risk management, and portfolio management in making investment decisions.
  • Real-world applications: Students will apply their knowledge of stock trading and economics to real-world scenarios, including current events and historical trends.

Throughout the course, students will engage in a variety of activities, simulations, and group projects. Students will also have the opportunity to research and analyze stocks, learn about different investment opportunities, and practice making informed investment decisions.

By the end of the course, students will have a basic understanding of the stock market, key economic concepts, and investment principles. They will also be better equipped to make informed financial decisions as they progress through their academic and professional careers.

Additional information


Early Morning Session (8:00 AM to 10:00 AM), Late Morning Session (10:30 AM to 12:30 PM)


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