Last fall, we were overwhelmed by the generosity of the RBUSD families who collectively made over $800,000 in investments during the RBEF Investor Drive, which when combined with grants and sponsorships from other partners allowed us to make a $1,083,000 grant to the Redondo Beach schools. This grant will support elementary PE, band and vocal music teachers, robotics at all levels including our award-winning Beach Cities Robotics team, middle school sports, college and career readiness programs such as AVID and PSAT fees for all 8th and 11th graders, and enhancements to the RUHS Library, to name a few highlights. Every child, at every school is impacted in some way by this grant.
This year, we hope all Redondo Beach families will come together to once again support our schools. More information on how you can invest will be available in September, and representatives will be available at all our schools during registration and class list posting events (check with your school and PTA unit for your school’s dates) if you have any questions.